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When farm is a 4-letter word.

I attended a lovely Gala a few years back to commemorate 50 successful and innovative years of business for the company that employed me....

Selling yourself...

Selling isn't for everyone. I'm sure you told yourself this last time you were forced to buy a car from a sleazy guy in plaid as you...


Today I am struck by the continuity of it know, life in general becomes life in particular. There's an unmistakable pattern...

Dirty Passions of a Girly-girl.

I'm a girly girl. No, really...I am. (My father didn't refer to me as "Miss America" for nothing.) I love owning nearly fifty pairs of...

Sicilian Easter Memories...

Has your Sicilian nanu ever piled 12 kids in his Edsel to drive to the Taste-Freeze on Easter Sunday afternoon? Have your Sicilian...

The new normal...

"Beauty, is only skin deep."I heard that a lot as a preteen, when permanent teeth, bugged eyes and a pouty lower lip were way too big for...

Getting ready...

It will be here, in full force, before you know it. It shows itself a little bit every day; in the earthy smell of the breeze, in the red...

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Bonjour and Bonappetit...!

I'm Suzanne, lover of all things growing, cooking fresh, and eating well. 

I've always had a green thumb, inherited directly from my tiny Sicilian grandfather who grew all their food on a huge plot with only a hoe.  My French grandmother on my father's side owned, "Le Bon Lait", a dairy store in the south of France where I'm sure I inherited my love of food. Cultivating the earth, the smell and feel of dirt on my hands, and growing produce organically is my thing.  I owned a USDA Certified Organic farm for several years.  Today, I combine my love of growing, cooking and living well all in one spot, here on my page called, Le Farm...Keeping It Simple.  

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