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  • Writer's pictureSuzanne @LeFarm

The new normal...

Updated: Jan 17, 2019

"Beauty, is only skin deep."I heard that a lot as a preteen, when permanent teeth, bugged eyes and a pouty lower lip were way too big for my face and my lanky, skinny self weighed in at 68# in seventh grade.

(Twiggy was full-figured compared to me.)

Yep, that beautiful exterior is a trap.

We all fall into it from time to time.

It's only human.

I eventually outgrew that awkward stage that lasted way too long, but a few days ago

I found myself drooling over something that looked so damn pretty I wanted it.

I really wanted it,

and my brain never skipped a beat as it exclaimed, "Doesn't that look good!"

"That" was a quart basket of super sized, sweet, juicy, deep red strawberries.

They were fresh off the farm in a world class southern plantation farm store.

(I even bent down to catch a quick whiff, and they smelled just as good as they looked.)

It took everything in my all organic farming being to, "Just say, NO!"

 I knew better...

 I know better...

Reprogramming "the new normal" is tough.

Those gorgeous strawberries were a fake Fendi.

Residual analysis has tallied 54 different chemicals on those beauties, consisting of

known carcinogens, hormone disrupters, neurotoxins,

development and reproductive disrupters and honeybee toxins.

Strawberries are one of the fresh or frozen fruits to avoid, UNLESS you buy organic.

Now, you know better, too.

Boycot the new normal,

because it is anything but normal.

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