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  • Writer's pictureSuzanne @LeFarm

Weathervanes vs. the Weather Channel.

Once upon a time, in a time not long ago, 

(before the Weather Channel), 

farmers looked to their weathervane to forecast the weather.  

Blowing in from the south?  That meant warm, moist conditions are coming.  

Blowing in from the chilly north?  None other than cold and dry weather will be rolling down the pike. And if the weathervane abruptly changed directions, something big was about to blow in... 

and it wasn't Mary Poppins!

We look at weathervanes a bit differently these days.  They are whimsical and decorative, adding just that touch of class to a lovely roof line or garden focal point.  Their intended purpose has completely changed, now that we can watch 24-7 real time weather coverage anywhere and anytime.  (Remember when that all first started?  "How can you have an entire channel devoted just to weather?", we all thought!  Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, were we wrong!)

Weathervanes come in just about any shape if you are still in the market for one.  I came across one that I thought might be appropriate for myself; a bottle of wine flowing into a glass.


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